Goal Setting For Inevitable Success

It’s coming up to the end of March.

The end of the first quarter of the year.

How’s it going with your New Year’s resolutions?

On track? Powering on or is progress pretty pants?

Free Planner Printable Goals Overview Planner

Don’t worry, there’s still 9 months of the year left to make a difference.

A quote that comes to mind is this.

I think I first heard it from Gretchen Rubin … I have no idea if she was quoting someone or whether they are her original words.

“We overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can do in a year”.

Stands to reason doesn’t it.

You stuff your to do lists to the brim, plan your goals for the year. But then go full throttle with your goals in the first few weeks in Jan and Feb, fail to see progress, fall off and never find your way back.

Take a moment now. And think bigger picture and longer timeframe.

Of course we want to body ready for summer, but how about if you stretched your goal 3 years into the future?

Realistically life will get in the way, things will happen.

So why not plan for that.

Plan out the micro steps, habits and systems that will lead you to want you want.

But make the timeframe longer, chances are if you’re consistent, you’ll see success much sooner than that anyway.

But don’t put too much stress on yourself to have it all done come New Year’s Eve.

You can use the the one-page Goal Planner in the Free Planner Printable Library to map out your goals over the coming 1,3 and 6 months. As well as the next 1,3 and 5 years. Dream big, plot your plans and see who you could become in the next 5 years.


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