
Create Your Own Rhythm in Life. And Make Time for Anything.

Hey Friend 

Today I want to tell you about one of the most practical & valuable creative time management resources I'm working on, it's called:


This guide is about how I regularly have jam-packed days without feeling overwhelmed or overworked.

My career - I’m a practising surgeon - is demanding, my days are busy but I have the time to bake bread, do the school run and make dinner from scratch…

Every day I read, I write my own blog posts and catch up with my closest friends…

I get to do my own grocery shopping, spend time with my kids and put them to bed. Self- care is the norm, I hang out with hubby, and I have time to call my mum. Sometimes I’ll even drop dinner round to hers…

I can do all this without losing my mind or my drive… not because I’m some super-human superhero…

But because over time I’ve tried and tested every time management technique and strategy out there and applied them
to every aspect of life, not just my work life. 

I can hand over heart say that my life is a powerhouse of purpose, ease and joy. 

All because of how I spend my time…

How we spend our time is how we live our lives, right?

When it comes to knocking out your next project or being productive we’ve been told to Eisenhower this and 80/20 that. 

But work doesn’t make up all of life and let’s be honest here…

Your life isn’t another project worth doing, it’s a life worth living. 

Read that again, and let it sink in.

So why not spend your time in ways that help you accomplish what you want, feel good about what you achieve AND feel good while doing it, whatever you’re doing.

I’ve tried and tested every time-saving technique out there and invented a few new ones too. I call them creative time management strategies. Over the years I’ve refined them to build a framework that lets you make time work for you, all the time.

There’s no other resource out there like this. 

This isn’t a re-hash of time management info. It’s a thoughtful framework for using time in ways that work best for you. 

Time is our most precious resource, we can’t make more of it at the drop of a hat AND once it’s gone it’s gone. 

Here’s what you get inside Tempo

A video-based course.

Containing over 20 different time-management strategies. Some new, some established, all tested. Each one is re-imagined for use in today’s modern world. 

Each video deep-dives into each technique with 5 or more examples to show you what it’s like to put them into action. Whether that's in your personal life, at work or in your business. 

Pre-order today to lock in today’s low price.

Launch Date June 1st 2024.