Hello & Welcome

Thank you for stopping by. I’m so glad you’re here.

My name’s Sonna and I’m the resident guide in this corner of the online world. Here’s a little bit about me …

I’m a:

  • Happy wife

  • Hands-on mum

  • Healthcare professional by day ( and some nights)

  • Head honcho here at Plans & Possibilities. Okay I’m the only honcho here. So I take full responsibility for all the typos, but also all the credit for all the good bits :)

  • And I’m a glass half-full type of human

Having spent donkeys years studying and preparing for what felt like endless exams, I fell head and shoulders down the rabbit hole of time management aka how to do more in less time. How to plan ahead and how to weave that all together to become one seriously organised person.

During those years of study and endless hours scurrying around wards and up and down hospital corridors, I wanted to eat well but didn’t have enough spare time to find a workable recipe never mind experiment in the kitchen.

I wanted to dress well but was so zonked at the end of the day that shopping became a mind-distraction activity rather than a way to mindfully build my wardrobe.

And every vacation I took involved some small or large disaster, like that time I showed up at the airport with an expired passport...*sigh*

Before life with a stethoscope, before I even uttered the words ‘I want to be a doctor’. I used to spend ages at my mum’s dressing table.

Fascinated by the little jars filled with creamy lotions and pink potions.

Time would fly by as I carefully removed every item including bottles, tubes, brushes and jewellery and lay them out on the bedroom floor. I’d proceed to gently wipe down the table top removing all signs of drips, drops and spills.

I’d clean the large mirror until it squeaked. It was then that my mum taught me the trick of using newspaper to clean mirrors (Why newspapers? Because the ink worked like vinegar to cut through oily fingerprints and surface dirt).

I’ve since upgraded to microfibre cloths, but I digress.

I’d use a sunshine yellow dust cloth to lovingly wipe away any grubby marks from the numerous bottles and place them back in their place.

That’s where my love of organising was birthed and it’s grown to full on adult proportions now.

I love a neat and tidy home.

A clear schedule that cuts down decision fatigue.

And a checklist to flip through when it’s important to cover every detail.

But there’s more to organising than labelled containers and clean tabletops.

It’s a way of life. It’s a blend of getting things done, (it’s impossible to say those last three words without thinking of Dave Allen, amiright?) being time wise and infusing creativity and personality into it.

In today’s world modern women are winning because they’re organised, that’s their not-so-secret superpower. It’s how I fit it all in and flop into bed each night, totally spent but truly satisfied.

To be able to pass on the nuggets and know-how I’ve amassed over the years just adds to my sense of purpose, beyond living an organised life. I realised a long time ago that aside from my love for planning, planners and staying organised, I also love to share the details. I hope that shines through in all that I share with you here.

Thanks again for stopping by.

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