The Power and Practice of Gratitude

There’s this urban legend I’ve heard, have you?

Eskimos (or as they should be called by their respectable name, Inuit) have a hundred words for snow.

One hundred words?!

Free Planner Printable Gratitude Tracker

This legend came about because of the idea that language is based on the experiences of those who speak that language.

Lots of snow, lots of different types of snow, lots of references to snow in daily life, equals lots of ways to communicate the word ‘snow’.

This got me thinking about gratitude.

And all the words and phrases we use to communicate gratitude.

The silent prayer of thanks we whisper as we watch over a sick child and the thermometer no longer flashes read. Bye fever, bye frantic moments of worry.

Or the quick message I type.

‘I appreciate you’.

When a colleague agrees to swap my on call week.

How I say ‘thank God for central heating’, when I come home after a 12-hour work day, open the door and a gust of warm air envelops me.

Or the gentle hand wave to the driver who lets me pull out and make it through the green light.

The text I send to a good friend that says ‘really lovely to spending time with you today, thanks for organising x’ when I get home after an evening of good food and good company.

All these different ways of showing gratitude.

Unlike the legend of snow, there are countless ways to say thank you.

Keep track of every single one of them using the Gratitude Tracker inside the Free Planner Printable Library. It’s an easy step to make gratitude your attitude, day after day.

And while we’re on the topic, I appreciate you being here. Thank you for reading.


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