One Top Tip To Make Online Shopping A Little Easier

Raise your hand if you’ve ever shopped online.

Raise it higher if you’ve ever bought a physical item online and wanted to return it.

Now raise your hand even higher if you’ve completely forgotten to return it and ended up keeping the dratted thing that you really didn’t want.

Can’t be just me… or is it?

I’m guilty of the above, many times over.

Want to know a little tweak that will help you stay on top of your online shopping?

Here it is.

Article about printable order tracker for an easier online shopping experience

Track what you buy online.

This is not just keeping an eye on order updates in your inbox or looking for the email confirmation that your payment was finally processed.

This is a separate log of the items you buy, when you bought them, when they arrived, and whether you’re sending them back and whether the refund was ever processed.

You don’t need to whip out a clean sheet of paper.

Or BuJo a neat spread in your notebook.

Do it all with the help of a one-page order tracker that easily slips into your planner without adding extra bulk.

And in one place you can visually see where your money’s going, what’s not been delivered yet and have a stark reminder that you haven’t sent the thing back, when you know it’s not a keeper. 

Dispose of each order tracker (responsibly, of course) when it’s all filled in and there’s no space for more.

An alternative to putting it in your planner, is to keep it near your front door.

And as your shopping items arrive, you get to check them off right there and then.

Happy shopping.

And happy returns and refunds.

That’s online shopping made easier for you. 


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