A Simple Life Lesson From A Trip To The Grocery Store

Let me share a story with you.

There’s a father and son.

They leave home to go grocery shopping. When they get to the store, the father selects a trolley. The kid is about 6 or 7 years old and isn’t interested in sitting in the trolley. Probably too big anyway. He’s happy enough walking alongside his father.

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They pick up some fruit and veg. Into the trolley it goes. They carry on down the first aisle.

The little boy spots something he wants. His dad disagrees.

As they weave round the store, there are more and more items that grab the son’s attention. His father doesn’t budge despite his son’s repeated requests for them.

Eventually he succumbs to tears, snotty tears. Then wailing, screaming, bargaining, demanding.

His father offers him yet another gentle explanation.

But for all the parents out there, we know kids don’t just fall into line. The little boy cranks up to a full-on tantrum.

Now the boy is a few feet ahead of his father, near the far end of the aisle. His dad is at the other end reaching for a box of cornflakes, dropping items into the trolley. It looks like he’s muttering to himself. But he’s speaking in the direction of his son, but not loudly at all. Just a calm, even voice. Another shopper comes close and easily overhears him.

He’s saying ‘‘it’s okay Tommy, you’ve got this’’, ‘‘Tommy, stay calm, you can handle this’’, ‘‘we’ll soon be home Tommy’’.

This other shopper hears all this and says ‘‘hey Tommy is heading off over there’’ pointing down the aisle. The father turns to the shopper and says, “he’s not Tommy. I am”.

The father was speaking to himself. Reminding himself, in gentle tones, that he could handle his son’s meltdown. This too will pass.

We all talk to ourselves, don’t we?

Whether it’s out loud or in our heads.

But how many of us speak with such reassuring words?

How many of us encourage ourselves in hard times?

A simple way to make our self-talk more positive is to use affirmations.These are words, phrases and sentences that convey kindness, reassurance, positivity and truth. We repeat them over and over until they become embedded in our self-talk.

Start with writing them down. Every day. Pick one or two affirmations that resonate with you. And write them over and over until they are embedded in your psyche. Then pick a couple more. And do the same.

There’s an Affirmations insert in the Free Planner Printable Library. Get instant access and download your copy. Make affirmations your partner in positivity. You’ve got this.


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