Request a Planner. Drop Your Request Below.

There’s something deeply satisfying in having clothes made-to-measure.

The whole experience.

Detailing exactly what you want.

Making modifications.

And the joy of holding the final item. A piece of clothing that looks and fits just the way you want.

You can have that same experience with planner printables.

Have you been searching for a specific weekly planner layout and not found it yet?

Perhaps you need to track something super-specific.

And you’d rather not make do with what’s available.


This is where a custom design will work wonders for you.

Think about what you want.

Have a go at sketching it if you can.

And pop the details in the comments below.

Or you can send me a message via the contact page.

I’ll let you in on this.

That’s how the Medical Planner Printable was born.

I came across a simple request.

It wasn’t even directed at me in particular.

But being a medic, my ears pricked up.

I thought, “hey I can do this”.

I asked a few Qs. Took the As on board. And got to designing.

That planner has gone on to be used by so many more people than the original person who requested it.

Maybe, just maybe the planner you want, may also work for someone else too.

Even if it doesn’t you deserve a planner just the way you want.

Let me know what you want.

And I’ll bring it to life for you (and maybe for them too).


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